Khwab Mein Tabib Ya Hakeem Dekhna

خواب میں طبیب کو دیکھنا

To See A Doctor in Dream

It is good tabeer to see a physician in a dream: "Khawab Mein Tabeeb Ya Hakeem Ko Dekhna". In accordance with the Islamic Tebeers this dream means the dreamer will see the religious master or a person who holds the knowledge of the religion and who understands the depth of the problems, thus being able to solve them using ...

Khwab Mein Hakeem ya Tabib Dekhna

the given knowledge of the Quran and Sunnah. When a person dreams of getting treated by a doctor in a dream, the person will be cured of the disease very soon. Dreams like these are good and fortunate dreams for the dreamer. You should thank Allah Almighty for this so that you can have more good deeds.

ح سے شروع ہونے والے تمام خواب


اپنے خوابوں کی تعبیر پوچھیں