Khwab Mein Shikari Dekhna Ki Tabeer

خواب میں صیا د کو دیکھنا

To See A Hunter in Dream

As you can imagine, seeing a hunter in a dream like "Khawab Mein Shikari Dekhna" is not a good dream. Religion, spirituality, and the worldly aspects of the dream are adversely impacted. Those who dream of becoming a god will become caught in sins and invite others to commit sins as well. Rather than inviting others...

خواب میں صیا د کو دیکھنا

اگر صاحب خواب ، خواب میں جال یا شکاری کے جال میں جا پڑٰا ہے تو خوف ہے کہ شاید اسے قید کیا جائے گا، یا مرض میں مبتلا ہوجائے گا، یہ بھی ممکن ہے کہ غیرموافق بیوی، یا بیٹا عطا ہوگا۔ یا ایسا مال ملے گا جس کی وجہ سے قید کر دیا جائیگا۔ یہ شکاری کے حق میں خیرو منفعت کا پہلو ہے۔ نیز یہ خواب اس شخص کے حق میں باعث خیر ہے کہ جس کی کوئی چیز گم ہو گئی ہو۔

Khwab Mein Seyad Ko Dekhna

Agar shba khwab , khwab mein jall ya shekri ka jall ma ja para hai to khof hai ka shayd usa kayd kea jaya ga ya marz main mubtla ho jaya ga ya bhe mumken hai ka ghair mawafeq biwi ya bata ataa ho ga ya asa mall mila ga jes ke waja sa kayd kar dea jaya ga.

Seyad Ko Dekhna

to sin, Allah Almighty has forbidden people from coming near to sins. Thus, instead of inviting others to sins, one should focus on staying away from sins and bad habits and only then invite them to goodness. There is a connection between divinity and nobleness that causes people to see real-time dreams. Those who wish to see the true dreams about their lives are encouraged to first cleanse their hearts and spirits, and then pray to Allah Almighty for good. Dreaming a situation in which the person finds that he has seen a hunter, is not good for the person. Such a dream is an indicator that the person will perform bad activities in his life. He will also suggest others to do the same things.

(م) سے شروع ہونے والے تمام خواب


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